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SHR Emblem

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day One

So, it's May 1st and Dan has started on his journey up the PCT! Since he's out in the dark (as in the sun has gone to visit the other side of the world, not as in creepy & evil) wilderness somewhere, he has enlisted me (Bridget, a friendly friend from church) to hack into his blog and post some photos of his budding adventure! I was not with him today, so I have captioned them to the best of my ability. Danny, forgive me for any inaccuracies. I intend no deception. Although I did intend the occasional snark. ;)

Leaving civilization to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Journaling? Checking coordinates? Who knows...

Embracing the "Southern Terminus" post

With trusty friend Karen at said post.

Fellow PCT hikers

Oh look! Mexico!

Reaching under the fence to touch Mexico! The audacity!

Super excited about the Mexico wall

Behold! A sign!

Oh, look! Another sign! This one is taller.

Ready to ski down some train tracks

I'm searching for appropriate song lyrics to accompany these next photos...

But, alas, inspiration escapes me!

Day 1: Lost already

Yes. A rock. With strange indentations.
 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a glimpse into Dan's first day as a mountain man!

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