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Monday, April 29, 2013

ADZPCTKO (Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off) pronounce it like a sneeze

Every year during the last weekend of April, there is gathering of the PCT hikers at Lake Morena, about 20 miles north of the Mexican border, and it is part unofficial start to the thru-hiking season, part party, and part conference.  That is where I ended up Saturday, and it was a good intro what I was going to experience, lots of hard work and tons of interesting people.

When I first arrived, I saw a guy in a hiking kilt.  I had heard rumors about guys wearing them, but it was a different thing to see a people wearing them, but one if the things I do know is to do what works for you.  For some that means hiking in a kilt, carrying only six pounds of clothes and equipment (I did meet someone who was doing this), or hiking with dogs.  For me,  I will just stick with hiking in my running shorts and cooking with a stove made out of cat-food cans.
It was really good to meet fellow thru-hikers, see what interesting things they are bringing, what they are eating, and just to get to know this community.  The people range from hippy to super intense former military (or at least they looked like that).  Along the way, I learned about how scarce the water is in Southern California (we have received 50% of the precipitation that we normally do) and how I will have to be very cognizant of drinking and maintaining my water.  The cool thing is that other thru-hikers update an online water report, so people who start later, like me, will know what streams and creeks have water.  Another fun fact, the snowpack from this last winter is about 80% of normal in the Sierra Nevada, and there is not snow below 10,000 feet.  This means that I will not have to worry about too many issues with snow and creek crossings in the Sierra.
Overall, it was nice to get into the hiking mentality and lifestyle, but ADZPCTKO makes me want to start my trip today.  I’m finally ready and prepared and can’t wait to start.  Just have to wait about a day and a half till start time.

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