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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pictures of the end of California through Central Oregon

Here are some pictures of my last 50 miles of California and the two thirds of Oregon.
This is how smokey it was coming out of Seiad Valley

In case I needed another pair of shoes

In case I needed a place to stay

I made it!  Finally at Oregon!

Only 962 miles left till Canada.

Don't even think about it

Trying to take a shower with a hand pump well.  Not easy

Getting closer

One of the many lava flows that I have walked through.  They are the worst.

Forgot what mountain but one of them in Southern Oregon

How we PCTers keep others informed on the water situation

Crater Lake.  So perfect!

It would be even better if the smokey haze was gone.

Just a note from the Crater Lake Park Ranger to use PCT Hikers.  Clearly very welcoming.

Contemplating all!

Mt. Thielson

Old PCT marker.  Kind of cool.

Yes.  It did storm all day today.

South Sister (yes that's what they call the mountain) right after a thunderstorm.  It got some fresh snow!

In the Sister's Wilderness 
Who wants to limbo?

Just an example of the weather I have been having

Another lava flow

Another great mountain in the Three Sisters Wilderness

Finally made it to mile 2000.  Gotta love the marker

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