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Friday, July 26, 2013

A stop in Lassen Volcanic National Park

I got off the trail on the 22 of July to meet up with my parents and brother at the National Park. After meeting them, we drove to Manzanita lake to wash my clothes and take a shower, finally! Then, on the 23rd, we hiked to the top of Brokeoff Mountain. It was 3.5 miles up and 3.5 down. There was a 3000 foot elevation gain over the 3.5 miles up. After enjoying the view and eating lunch we hiked down and drove to the visitors center where I got an Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich. Then, we drove to Bumpass Hell. This is a geothermal area 1.5 miles off the main road. It looks like an alien landscape... see the pictures. The rocks are weird colors and the air is full of sulfur. Then, as the clouds rolled in we hiked out and drove back to camp. It was great to see my family and now I am off to Burney.

Happy trails,

                                           1,357 miles down
                                         at the top of Brokeoff mtn.
                                           Bumpass Hell

                                         holding up the gases from the Earth

                                         walking back to civilization
                                                   getting ready to leave
                                                   getting back to the PCT
                                                    Off to Burney Falls
                                         Waiting to move on...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your family taking advantage of your fun!

    I made it up Mt. Whitney :) Thanks for the encouragement.

    Enjoy your trekkin'. See you in Oct.
